Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 Alternative Spring Break trip in Boulder Creek, California from March 10 to 17. The trip will be spent volunteering as camp counselors at Camp Campbell, Outdoor Science School. The California Outdoor Science Association is sponsored by the California Department of Education. WSU volunteers will serve as camp counselors through the week and assist with the Outdoor School’s programming. Volunteers will receive a day long training on the first day of the trip, Monday. The camp takes place from Tuesday-Friday. Activities during the week may include but are not limited to attending field studies with students in the redwood forest, conducting river studies and daily nature hikes traveling around to various communities surrounding the camp. One evening campers will participate in a field study which includes a night walk, emphasizing the nocturnal animal life, nighttime sensory awareness, and astronomy. On Saturday WSU volunteers will have a tour day to spend touring San Francisco, will spend the night in the city and depart the following Sunday to fly back to Wichita.
The cost of the trip is $200 per student. The cost includes transportation (airfare, housing, meals, and excursions). Additional information and applications may be found at
For more information email or call 316-978-7016.