Dr. Virginia Valian — Distinguished Professor of Psychology, member of the doctoral faculties of Psychology, Linguistics and Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, and director of the Language Acquisition Research Center (LARC) and the Gender Equity Project (GEP) at Hunter College – CUNY — is visiting Wichita State University Friday, March 31. The National Science Foundation (NSF) ADVANCE Catalyst team on campus is sponsoring the visit, including Valian speaking on gender equity at two events.
Valian will deliver the talk, "The Advancement of Women: Better, but Still too Slow," from 10 to 11 a.m. in the Rhatigan Student Center, room 265. Faculty, staff and alumni are invited to attend the talk.
An open forum featuring Valian will be from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Rhatigan Student Center, room 265. Female undergraduate and graduate students in STEM fields are encouraged to attend the event.