Here are your Wichita State University Digital Signage Announcements for Monday, August 8, 2022. There are 4 signs for today. Sign number 1: Textbook Dorm Delivery Incoming WSU students, would you like your textbooks delivered to your dorm room? Place your textbook order with the Shocker Store online at now through August 26 for free delivery to your dorm room on campus! Sign number 2: GTA Training GTAs, join the Graduate School and the Academic Resources Conference on August 17, 9AM-4PM in RSC 233 for training. All new GTAs are required to attend all session; returning GTAs are strongly encouraged to attend. Check-in begins at 8:30. Find the full schedule for the day and sign up for email reminders at Sign number 3: SSGL August Pizza Visit the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes in August to try their Pizza of the Month- the Margherita! It’s a 14” thick crust pizza topped with tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, basil pesto, parmesan cheese, chili flakes and oregano. Sign number 4: USDA SBIR Webinar and One-on-One Meetings Discover SBIR and STTR grant opportunities available through the Dept. of Agriculture. This webinar is designed to introduce you to the opportunities with the USDA SBIR program and provide an opportunity for you to meet one-on-one with program manager Melinda Coffman after the webinar. Join us to learn and gain a better understanding of the program and the resources available to assist you in proposal development. This event is free to attend, but registration is required at That’s all of the Digital Signage Announcements for Monday, August 8, 2022.