Here are your Wichita State University Digital Signage Announcements for Wednesday, March 29, 2023. There are 43 signs for today. Sign number 1: Student Activities Council are taking event submissions for Destress Fest Student Activities Council will be hosting the Destress Fest from May 1-4. At this moment we are open to receive submissions from departments and organizations who would like to host any relaxing, decompressing, and unwinding events for Wichita State students to participate in before final examination week. Your event or workshop does not have to be 70's or "groovy" theme. The deadline to submit events is March 31st. Submit by going to Sign number 2: Register for the upcoming Diversity Lecture Series! The Diversity Lecture Series is a series that features distinguished leaders and experts to inspire campus dialogue, community engagement and learning about the national narrative on diversity and inclusion. "From Where I Stand" by Saul Flores will be at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18 in Rhatigan Student Center 301! He inspires first-generation college students and those of varying backgrounds to overcome their personal, academic, and financial barriers in pursuit of a college education. Register for the upcoming lecture at Sign number 3: Poetry Slam, hosted by Student Activities Council Student Activities Council is hosting a Poetry Slam on April 12 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the RSC Starbucks Stage. The first 100 guests to attend this event will receive a voucher for a hot drink from Starbucks, valid only on April 12. Calling all poets! If you would like to perform your poetry piece at the Poetry Slam, please scan the QR code or go to to find the registration form. Poets must register their work by April 6. Sign number 4: Kansas Public Finance Center Hosts Public Finance Workshop To enhance public finance conversations, the Kansas Public Finance Center, the Hugo Wall School of Public Affairs, and the Environmental Finance Center are hosting a free workshop focused on building partnerships between public service practitioners and academic researchers. The conversations at this workshop will feature speakers from across the country who will speak on topics including infrastructure financing, decision-making, municipal sustainability, assessment tools, and more. This workshop occurs on March 31, 2023 from 8:00am - 5:30pm in Woosley Hall room 231. Join us for an evening networking reception on March 30, 2023 at Social Tap in Braeburn Square on the Wichita State University campus. Register by visiting Sign number 5: I want a pizza that! Looking for pizza on campus? Visit the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes to try their house-made pizza! Pizzas are available in 7” personal, 12” small and 16” large sizes. They even take call-ahead orders for dine-in or carry out! Just call 316-978-3479. Sign number 6: Demystifying Thesis and Dissertation Writing Become a fluent and productive writer through easy-to-follow steps. In this session, Dr. Peg Boyle Single will present her streamlined system for academic writing. Learn how complete your paper, thesis or dissertation using proven techniques such as interactive reading and citable notes. Tuesday, April 4, 2 - 3:30 pm, via Zoom. Find the event link at Sign number 7: Register for the 2023 Agent Based Modeling Workshop + Hackathon on April 8 Agent Based Modeling Workshop + Hackathon 2023 sponsored by The Institute for the Study of Economic Growth. Join us for an impactful workshop and fun competition on Saturday, April 8, 2023 from 9 AM to 5 PM in Woolsey Hall. Due to limited space, RSVP to save your free seat now at ISEG.WICHITA.EDU/RSVP Sign number 8: Buy Commencement Regalia Early and Save! Are you graduating in May? Now through April 28, you can bundle your regalia items and save! The Shocker Store offers regalia bundles for bachelors, masters, specialist and doctorate degrees. Visit us in our RSC store or on our “graduation” tab at for specific pricing and details. For more information, email or call 316-978-7021. Sign number 9: Paul Mills Selected as New Basketball Coach Wichita State Men's Basketball welcomes Paul Mills as their new head coach! Sign number 10: Come and join the Community Service Board volunteering at the United Way GIV Warehouse The United Way Give Items of Value (GIV) Program accepts donated items from company and offers them at no charge to nonprofits throughout the state. Volunteers will meet at the give warehouse to sort and organize items so they may be given to local nonprofits. 2:30p.m. to 4:30p.m. on March 31 and April 21 at 432 N. Washington St. Sign up online at Sign number 11: Join the Student Activities Councils concert planning committee from 5-6pm every Tuesday in the RSC room 238. The Student Activities Councils brand new concert committee is looking for students who love music, planning events or are interested in getting involved on campus to join! Join us in the RSC every Tuesday from 5-6pm in room 238, or join us for member meetings weekly on Tuesdays at 4:15 for SAC member meetings in room 233. Sign number 12: 2nd Annual Let's Par-TEA Boba Social Kick off the start of InspirASIAN Month and join the Office of Diversity and Inclusion for free boba at the 2nd annual Let's Par-TEA Boba Social from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, April 1 at Kung Fu Tea (1625 S. Rock Rd. Suite 129, Wichita, KS 67207)! Indulge in delicious boba while networking and fostering positive relationships with students, faculty, staff, and community leaders. Limit one boba drink with one standard topping per person with valid myWSU ID. Sign number 13: Summer and fall schedules available Summer and fall course schedules are now available online at Students are encouraged to choose their classes before registration begins on Monday, April 3. Why should students take summer classes? Summer classes are a great way to catch up on credits and graduate sooner. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. Courses are available in two-, four-, or eight-week schedules with online or in-person formats. Be sure to reach out to your academic advisor with any questions about scheduling your summer and fall classes. Sign number 14: Edible Book Festival at Ablah Library Create a culinary masterpiece based on your favorite literature at the Edible Book Festival! Win prizes from Shocker Athletics, Shocker Sports Grill and Lanes, AMC Theater, Doo Dah Diner, and more! Visit to sign-up, happening on April 3, 2023 at 11am! Sign number 15: Rock the Vote: 2023 SGA General Elections, April 3-5 Sign number 16: Resume Clinic: Shocker Career Accelerator April 3rd 2023 11-11:30 a.m. - WO 231 Register at Sign number 17: Cooking in College: Shocker Support Locker Recipe Book Shocker Support Locker has made a Recipe Book for College students! Made by Shocker Support Locker workers, Bethany Hollingsworth and Emma Grover. The purpose of this Recipe Book is to create a collection of recipes, instructions, and information that is beneficial to serving shockers at the Shocker Support Locker. Feed Shockers, Fight Hunger! Sign number 18: Karaoke at Shocker Sports Grill and Lanes Come sing your heart out at the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes! From 6-8:30 p.m. on Thursdays, stop by for Karaoke! $2 Bud Light Draws. $1 any size fountain beverage. Start the weekend early! Availability by vary due to group reservations and special events. Sign number 19: Try the March Pizza of the Month Visit the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes in March to try their Pizza of the Month, the Monterey! 14" thick crust with roasted garlic tomato sauce, smoked chicken sausage, marinated artichoke hearts and onions, fresh mozzarella, pesto and parmesan cheese for $19.99. Sign number 20: DDKV - Dance Dance KVolution Dance Competition KVersity is hosting their first annual dance competition, Dance Dance KVolution, otherwise known as DDKV! DDKV is geared towards their members and the community to take initiative in developing performances and all of its aspects. KVersity has always been in charge of these aspects, so they want to give their members the opportunity to show what they know or what they have learned through their experience with KVersity! The competition will be April 15 in the CAC Theater and the show starts at 6 p.m. Anyone is able to attend, and it is free admission. We hope to see you there! Sign number 21: Career Fair Prep Workshops- Shocker Career Accelerator Get prepped for the career fair at any one of our workshops. Thursday, March 9 at 2p.m. in RSC 262; Monday, March 20 at 11 a.m. in RSC 264; and Thursday, March 30 at 11 a.m. in RSC 265. Register at WICHITASTATE.JOINHANDSHAKE.COM Sign number 22: Distinguished Professor of Psychology from Hunter College to speak on gender equity at two events March 31 Dr. Virginia Valian — Distinguished Professor of Psychology, member of the doctoral faculties of Psychology, Linguistics and Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, and director of the Language Acquisition Research Center (LARC) and the Gender Equity Project (GEP) at Hunter College - CUNY — is visiting Wichita State University Friday, March 31. The National Science Foundation (NSF) ADVANCE Catalyst team on campus is sponsoring the visit, including Valian speaking on gender equity at two events. Valian will deliver the talk, "The Advancement of Women: Better, but Still too Slow," from 10 to 11 a.m. in the Rhatigan Student Center, room 265. Faculty, staff and alumni are invited to attend the talk. An open forum featuring Valian will be from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Rhatigan Student Center, room 265. Female undergraduate and graduate students in STEM fields are encouraged to attend the event. Sign number 23: Transgender Day of Visibility Join the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and Spectrum: LGBTQ & Allies from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. on Friday, March 31 on the first floor of the Rhatigan Student Center for Transgender Day of Visibility to honor the joy and resilience of transgender people everywhere and raising our voices to speak out against hate, and work to become an inclusive world. This day is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of transgender and gender nonconforming people, while raising awareness of the work that still needs to be done to achieve trans justice. Sign number 24: First-Gen Cord Ceremony The First-Gen Cord Ceremony will be held April 30th, 2023. This is for all First-Generation students graduating this semester to receive their cord recognizing this accomplishment. The ceremony will be held in the CAC Theatre starting at 10:00AM. For more information visit the SEAL office in RSC 216. Sign number 25: "How to Fly a Spacecraft" by Dr. Atri Dutta Join AIAA on Tuesday, March 28th from 6-7pm in RSC 301 for "How to Fly a Spacecraft" presented by Dr. Atri Dutta. The determination of the optimal trajectory of a spacecraft can be complex, especially when the spacecraft uses a low-thrust propulsion system or when it operates in a challenging dynamical environment. This talk will provide an overview of astrodynamics research being conducted at WSU Astronautics Laboratory to address some of these challenges. Specific examples will include all-electric spacecraft, hurricane monitoring constellations, NuSol probe, and the CubeSat being developed to validate a neutrino detector in space. Sign number 26: Meet The Firms: Shocker Career Accelerator Beta Alpha Psi’s Meet the Firms will be April 20, from noon to 2p.m. on the third floor of the RSC. Register at Sign number 27: Spring at the Cadman Photography Contest What says “Spring” to you? Enter the Spring at the Cadman photography contest and let us know! Submit an original photo that showcases the beauty of Spring! Photos can be captured using your phone or a camera of your choice. Top 15 submissions will have their photo displayed in the Cadman Art Gallery, located in the RSC. Top 3 finishers will win a Shocker Store gift card ($100, $50 and $25 respectively). Submissions are due March 31. For more information and to enter your submission, visit Sign number 28: Apply Before it is Too Late! By competing in the Shocker New Venture Competition, you could win up to $10,000 to help launch your business idea. Applications close soon: March 30th. Check out today for information on how to compete in the Shocker New Venture Competition. Sign number 29: Make money playing games! Join the Behavioral Economics Lab at Wichita State University today. The Behavioral Economics Laboratory at Wichita State University is recruiting participants. Earn $15 to 20 per hour on average: Your exact earnings will be based on your and others’ decisions. On average, students earn $15-20 per hour (with a guaranteed $5 minimum payment for showing up to the lab and being on time!) Contribute to important research. Your contributions in our experiments will be used to publish high-quality research in Academic Journals and advance the field of experimental economics pioneered by Nobel Prize laureate Vernon L. Smith. Interested? Sign up to be a participant today at Have questions? Email Sign number 30: Volunteer for Commencmement We Need Your Help! Volunteers Needed for Commencement on Saturday, May 13. Volunteer Shifts: 7:30 – 11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. For more details and to sign-up, visit Sign number 31: Student Startup Funding Available There are three funds currently accepting applications to fund student business ideas, and they all close March 31. The funds are the Women for Women Innovation Fund, the Don Hackett Support for Entrepreneurialism Fun and the Moral Family Fund for Innovation. For more information on the different funds and to apply check out: Sign number 32: Ace The Interview Join our April workshop: April 19, 2 to 2:45p.m. in Woolsey 231. Register at WICHITASTATE.JOINHANDSHAKE.COM. Sign number 33: Career Fair Prep Workshops: Shocker Career Accelerator Get prepped for the career fair at any one of our workshops. Thursday, April 6 at noon in Woolsey 231 and Monday, April 10 at 2 p.m. in Woolsey 231. Register at WICHITASTATE.JOINHANDSHAKE.COM Sign number 34: Pee for Pizza Get tested for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia by submitting a urine specimen and you will get FREE PIZZA! Call 316-978-4792 to reserve your spot from 12-4p on Apr. 5 at the Student Wellness Center. Other testing available upon request. Sign number 35: The 13th Annual WSU Drag Show, where everything is bigger in KANSAS! Howdy all you Cowpokes & Cowfolks! The annual Drag Show is back and BIGGER than ever! We're fixin' to have a rip roarin' good time with our lineup of student, regional, and national entertainers. Ticket Rates: $5 to WSU students with Shocker ID $8 Faculty/Staff $10 General Public This will be a cashless event and only credit cards will be accepted for advance tickets and at the door. March 31, 8-10 p.m. at the WSU Hughes Metroplex. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Cowfolk attire encouraged. See for more information. Sponsored by the Student Activities Council, Spectrum LGBTQ & Allies, and Office of Diversity & Inclusion Sign number 36: Cody Keenan at WSU Wichita State University is hosting a moderated discussion with Cody Keenan, chief speechwriter for President Barack Obama, as the 2023 speaker for the Craig W. Barton Speaker Series event at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 30 in Wiedemann Hall. Seat reservations are required, and the event is free and open to the public. Get your free ticket at Keenan rose from a campaign intern to become chief speechwriter at the White House and Former President Barack Obama’s post-presidential collaborator. Together, Keenan and Obama’s efforts resulted in what have been called some of the most unforgettable addresses of our time. The Craig W. Barton Speaker Series is an annual Wichita State event established to expose students and the community to differing points of view and encourage critical thinking and conversation. Sign number 37: Attend a National Student Exchange Info Session Join one of our National Student Exchange Info Sessions. Days, Times, and Locations are listed below February 16 from 2-3 pm in the Rhatigan Student Center, room 264 March 20 from 11 am to 12 pm in the Rhatigan Student Center, room 261 April 14 from 4-5 pm in the Rhatigan Student Center, room 203 Sign number 38: RSVP for Commencement RSVP Deadline is April 16. Spring 2023 commencement is Saturday, May 13. Additional Information can be found at Sign number 39: Criminal Justice Career Fair: Shocker Career Accelerator April 5 at 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. RSC 3rd Floor. Register for the event at! Sign number 40: Institute for the Study of Economic Growth to Host Virtual Talk with Stuart Kauffman Join the Barton School of Business, the Institute for the Study of Economic Growth, and Wichita State University for a Virtual Talk with Stuart Kauffman live via Zoon on March 31, 2023 at 12 PM CDT. RSVP online now at ISEG.WICHITA.EDU/MARCH31 Sign number 41: Small Business Mixer: Shocker Career Accelerator Woolsey Hall, April 13, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30p.m. Sign number 42: SSGL Wed Pool Visit the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes every Wednesday for their $4/hour pool special! Plus, free popcorn for pool players on Wednesdays, too! Sign number 43: Hippodrome 2023 Hippodrome is a celebration of the arts and features the creative talents of Wichita State Shockers! The 94th Annual Hippodrome will feature these performances in the Skit & Talent Competition on March 31, 2023 at 7 p.m. in the CAC Theater. Groups participating in the Skit Competition will perform a 15 to 20 minute scripted performance with the use of this year's theme: Superheroes: "It's a bird! It's a plane!'s a....Hippo! ". The top three winners of the Skit Competition will receive awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, as well as individual awards for Best Actor, Best Use of Mystery Item and Spirit. The talent competition will be hosted in conjunction with the skit competition. Performers will take the stage between skit performances and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will take home cash prizes up to $150. For ticket pricing please visit: That’s all of the Digital Signage Announcements for Wednesday, March 29, 2023.