Here are your Wichita State University Digital Signage Announcements for Sunday, June 25, 2023. There are 10 signs for today. Sign number 1: Wichita Center for Biomedical Humanities Organizational Meeting Faculty, staff, students and WSU partners are invited to an organizational meeting for our new Center on September 1, 2023 from 10am to noon in RSC 262 (Herrman Room). Biomedical humanities includes a wide range of scholarship, coursework and service. Arts, empathy and creative practices in the health professions. Ethics of digital transformations in health care and biomedical AI. Health equity for Spanish speakers. Health law, public policy and constitutionality. History of epidemics. Literature, medicine and diversity. Medical translation. Medical sociology. Nutrition and ancient diets. Writing for health professions. And much more. Join us. Add your interests to the list. Help us organize and plan events for the 2023-24 academic year. Help us help you promote your work. For more information, email Sign number 2: History and Philosophy of 20th Century Physical Sciences is Enrolling Now Non-technical! User friendly! Fun! Mind-warping! Enroll now in PHIL 321: The History and Philosophy of the Physical Sciences in the 20th Century Intro to the radical and paradoxical ideas which made computers, smart phones, GPS possible ... and raises the possibility of time travel, parallel universes, teleportation, and vastly more powerful computers. Our emphasis is not on mastery of technical details but rather on understanding important results in the physical sciences from a humanistic perspective, including their cultural, philosophical and technological implications. The course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00am to 12:15pm in Fiske Hall 308 INSTRUCTOR: Brian Hepburn No text required. All readings will be provided. For more information, email Sign number 3: RSC Shocker Store Closing for Inventory The Shocker Store (Rhatigan Student Center location) will be closed for year end inventory Wednesday, June 28 through Sunday, July 2. It will reopen at 8 p.m. Monday, July 3. The Braeburn Square Shocker Store will remain open to serve you. Web order processing may be delayed during this time. Sign number 4: Free Summer Poker Visit the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes on Fridays during the summer for free summer poker! Each Friday at 1 p.m. join a no-limit Texas Hold ‘Em tournament with a $10 prize going to each weekly winner and a $50 prize to the summer champion! For more information, call 316-978-3479. Sign number 5: Enrolling Now: PHIL 321 History and Philosophy of 20th Century Physical Science Non-technical! User friendly! Fun! Mind-warping! Enroll now in PHIL 321: The History and Philosophy of the Physical Sciences in the 20th Century Have you ever wondered what are quantum mechanics and general relativity all about? This course introduces you to the radical and paradoxical ideas which made computers, smart phones, GPS possible ... and raises the possibility of time travel, parallel universes, teleportation, and vastly more powerful computers. Our emphasis is not on mastery of technical details but rather on understanding important results in the physical sciences from a humanistic perspective, including their cultural, philosophical and technological implications. The course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00am to 12:15pm in Fiske Hall 308 INSTRUCTOR: Brian Hepburn No text required. All readings will be provided. For more information, email Sign number 6: June Pizza of the Month Visit the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes in June to try their Pizza of the Month, Da’ Bronx Bomber! It’s topped with zesty pizza sauce, pepperoni, salami, pepperoncini, pork sausage, Canadian bacon, roasted red peppers, black olives, five cheese blend, oregano and chili flakes. $19.25 Sign number 7: Additional 10% Off Clearance Items at the Shocker Store Through June 27, take an extra 10% off clearance items at the Shocker Store! Redline items included. RSC store only. Sign number 8: Pride Gear Available at the Shocker Store Celebrate Pride Month with new Pride Shocker gear at the Shocker Store! You can find a Pride t-shirt, stickers, lanyard and drinkware in both the RSC and Braeburn Square stores and online at Sign number 9: Organizational meeting for the Wichita Center for Biomedical Humanities Faculty, staff, students and WSU partners are invited to an organizational meeting for our new Center on September 1, 2023 from 10am to noon in RSC 262 (Herrman Room). Biomedical humanities includes a wide range of scholarship, coursework and service. Arts, empathy and creative practices in the health professions. Ethics of digital transformations in health care and biomedical AI. Health equity for Spanish speakers. Health law, public policy and constitutionality. History of epidemics. Literature, medicine and diversity. Medical translation. Medical sociology. Nutrition and ancient diets. Writing for health professions. And much more. Join us. Add your interests to the list. Help us organize and plan events for the 2023-24 academic year. Help us help you promote your work. For more information, email Sign number 10: College of Applied Studies Advising is Hiring a Graduation Coordinator & Administrative Specialist Position Are you looking for an opportunity to join a dynamic team in supporting students through their academic careers? Are you energetic and personable? Is “attention to detail” one of your superpowers? If you answered “yes” to all of these, you may have just found your next career path! The graduation coordinator and administrative specialist in the College of Applied Studies Advising Center will have the opportunity to work with students, faculty, and staff throughout the university. If interested, apply now at That’s all of the Digital Signage Announcements for Sunday, June 25, 2023.