Here are your Wichita State University Digital Signage Announcements for Tuesday, August 1, 2023. There are 9 signs for today. Sign number 1: Career Fair Prep Workshop The Shocker Career Accelerator and other departments hold career fairs throughout the year so students can get in front of employers. However, they can be intimidating if you have never participated in one. In this workshop, we dive deeply into our career fair checklist. Learn how to: prep before the fair, what to expect during event, and the basics of networking with employers. The Career Fair Prep Workshop is on Wednesday, August 23rd from 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm. Located in room 203 on the 2nd Floor of the Rhatigan Student Center. Sign number 2: Enrolling Now: PHIL 321 History and Philosophy of 20th Century Physical Science Non-technical! User friendly! Fun! Mind-warping! Enroll now in PHIL 321: The History and Philosophy of the Physical Sciences in the 20th Century Have you ever wondered what are quantum mechanics and general relativity all about? This course introduces you to the radical and paradoxical ideas which made computers, smart phones, GPS possible ... and raises the possibility of time travel, parallel universes, teleportation, and vastly more powerful computers. Our emphasis is not on mastery of technical details but rather on understanding important results in the physical sciences from a humanistic perspective, including their cultural, philosophical and technological implications. The course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00am to 12:15pm in Fiske Hall 308 INSTRUCTOR: Brian Hepburn No text required. All readings will be provided. For more information, email Sign number 3: Bowling Lanes Closing for Updates The bowling lanes at the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes will be closed July 31-August 12 for new pinsetter installation. Thanks for understanding! Sign number 4: Resume Clinic The resume is a crucial document in the job search process. Whether you are applying for a part/full time position, on-campus employment, co-op/internship, graduate school admissions, research, fellowship, scholarships or volunteer experience, you must develop and maintain a professional document to apply for these opportunities. Join this hands-on workshop to help you understand the applicant tracking system, how to showcase your skills and how to customize your resume based on the job you’re applying for. Resume Clinic is on Tuesday, August 22nd 2023. At 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm. In room 264 on the 2nd Floor of the Rhatigan Student Center. Sign number 5: On-Campus Job Fair Don't miss the On-Campus Job Fair on Aug. 25, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. RSC 3rd Floor. Engage with on-campus employers hiring for student assistant and graduate assistant positions for the 2023-2024 academic year. This fair is for ALL majors at Wichita State University. It's a great way to meet with staff from various departments across campus who have student assistant, work-study, and graduate assistant employment positions available for the upcoming academic year. Bring 20-30 resumes and your Fall class schedule; make sure your name is on all your documents. For more information, check out Sign number 6: History and Philosophy of 20th Century Physical Sciences is Enrolling Now Non-technical! User friendly! Fun! Mind-warping! Enroll now in PHIL 321: The History and Philosophy of the Physical Sciences in the 20th Century Intro to the radical and paradoxical ideas which made computers, smart phones, GPS possible ... and raises the possibility of time travel, parallel universes, teleportation, and vastly more powerful computers. Our emphasis is not on mastery of technical details but rather on understanding important results in the physical sciences from a humanistic perspective, including their cultural, philosophical and technological implications. The course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00am to 12:15pm in Fiske Hall 308 INSTRUCTOR: Brian Hepburn No text required. All readings will be provided. For more information, email Sign number 7: Organizational Meeting for The Academic Center for Biomedical and Health Humanities Faculty, staff, students and WSU partners are invited to an organizational meeting for our new Academic Center on September 1, 2023 from 10am to noon in RSC 262 (Herrman Room). Biomedical and health humanities includes a wide range of scholarship, coursework and service. Arts, empathy and creative practices in the health professions. Ethics of digital transformations in health care and biomedical AI. Health equity for Spanish speakers. Health law, public policy and constitutionality. History of epidemics. Literature, medicine and diversity. Medical translation. Medical sociology. Nutrition and ancient diets. Writing for health professions. And much more. Join us. Add your interests to the list. Help us organize and plan events for the 2023-24 academic year. Help us help you promote your work. For more information, email Sign number 8: New College Tees at the Shocker Store Level up your college style and grab one of the new college tees at the Shocker Store! Available in the RSC store and online at Sign number 9: Pizza of the Month at the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes Visit the Shocker Sports Grill & Lanes in August to try their Pizza of the Month, The Margherita! Thick crust 14" pizza topped with tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, basil pesto, parmesan cheese, chili flakes and oregano for $19.95. That’s all of the Digital Signage Announcements for Tuesday, August 1, 2023.