Transcript for Friday, February 28, 2025

Here are your Wichita State University digital signage announcements for Friday, February 28, 2025. There are 42 signs for today.

Nightmare on Elm Street Movie Night

Join SAC with the De-Stress fest movie night. A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984). Wednesday, December 4th in The CAC Theater at 7PM.

Men’s Basketball Sidewalk Sale

If you’re attending the Shocker men’s basketball game on Sunday, March 9th, swing by the Shocker Store’s Men’s Basketball Sidewalk Sale at the Koch Arena store and enjoy 30% off select Shocker basketball merchandise. Store opens one hour prior to game time.

Criminal Justice Career Fair

Join us for the Criminal Justice Career Fair on Tuesday, March 4th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the 3rd floor of the RSC. This fair, hosted by the Criminal Justice Student Association and the School of Criminal Justice, offers the chance for candidates interested in law enforcement, corrections, legal services, forensic science, and other criminal justice careers to connect with employers. Learn more and register at

Shocker Financial Wellness workshop, Credit Cards

Shocker Financial Wellness is hosting a workshop on the topic of Credit Cards. This come-and-go event will run from 11:30AM to 1:45PM on March 4th in room 142 of the Rhatigan Student Center. Students who attend four out of six workshops this semester and fill out the entry and exit surveys are entered in a raffle for a full in-state fall tuition scholarship. Snacks will be provided. Visit for more information.

Biomedical Engineering Ethics Course this Fall

The future is already here. Let's work well together. The course PHIL 386 Biomedical Engineering Ethics in Fall 2025 will include the BMES Code of Ethics, benchside research integrity, IRBs and clinical trials, HIPAA and data integrity, IACUC and animal subjects, tissue engineering, implants and wearables, drug delivery, biomolecular machines, (epi)genetic engineering, transhumanism, posthumanism, cases from the headlines, and student-chosen topics. All course materials are free to enrolled students. Become More Insightful with the Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Wichita State University.

Join TRIO Student Support Services.

Now accepting applications for TRIO Student Support Services (SSS). Some of the free services we offer include: tutoring, academic advising, mentorship, scholarships, textbook checkout, technology lab with free printing, workshops and more. You are eligible for our program if you are a first-generation student, limited-income, or have a documented disability. Visit to apply online and find out more about our program. Contact us in the Shocker Success Center in suite 307, or by email at, or call us at 316-978-3715. Apply today as spots are limited.

Shocker Store Score and Save Promo

When the Shocker score 70 or more points, you SAVE at the Shocker Store with their new Score and Save promo. If the men’s basketball team scores 70 or more points during a home game, take 20% off your purchase the next day at the Braeburn Square store. If game is on a Saturday, sale will be valid on the Monday. Some exclusions apply. Go Shockers.

Youth Helmet Baseball Drive

Donate new or used helmets for young players. A partnership between College of Applied Studies Ambassadors and League 42. Drop off donations at Hubbard Hall 113 or Heskett Center Lobby through March 1st, 2024. Contact Olivia Butler at for details.

13th Annual Leadership Awards Application is Open

Student Engagement and Belonging is currently accepting applications for the 13th Annual Shocker Leadership Awards. All Registered Student Organizations and University affiliated groups are eligible to apply. Application will close on Friday, March 7 at 11:59pm. To register visit

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Become a true gentleman with Sigma Alpha Epsilon. A fraternity focused on leadership, scholarship, and service. Fill out our interest form at

Join us for our Entrepreneurship Workshop: Market Research for Startups

Discover market trends, identify competitors, and define your target market at our Entrepreneurship Research Lunch and Learn on Friday, March 7, noon to 1:00 pm at Ablah Library, Digital Learning Commons, in-person and online. Feel free to bring your own lunch and make it a productive break. This session is free and open to all. Learn more at

Iftaar Banquet

We are thrilled to annouce our biggest event of the year, the Iftaar Banquet 2025. This special event is hosted in collaboration with the Pakistan Student Association (PSA). Sunday, March 23rd at 5:00 pm in the Beggs Ballroom, 3rd Floor Rhatingan Student Center. Join us for an unforgettable evening filled with delicious food, community bonding, and meaningful conversations. Share this with your family and friends and get ready for an amazing experience.

Apply now for 2025-2026 Student Activities Council Executive Board

Applications for Student Activities Council open now and close Monday, April 7. Applications can be found on ShockerSync, more information can be found at

Wichta LANFest 39

Wichita LANFest 39 is happening on Saturday, April 5 through 6th, 2025, Noon to Noon. A 24 hour LAN Party, $30 Entry with 50% off for WSU Students, free for cosplayers. At Red Roof Inn and Conference Center 6815 W. Kellogg Dr. We are a non-profit and will be raising money for local charities! More information at

Weekend Series Savings for Shocker Baseball

The more the Shocker baseball team wins during a home weekend series, the more you save at the Shocker Store. One win, score $10 off one item; two wins, score $20 off one item; 3 wins, score $25 off one item (item must be a regular priced item of $30 or greater). Valid only at the Braeburn Square Shocker Store on the Monday after a home weekend series. Some exclusions apply, not valid with other discounts or promotions.

Shocker Financial Wellness

Trouble with your finances? Invest in your future with us. For more information visit us at Jardine Hall, Room 203 or at our website at

Volunteer with the Community Service Board at Wichita Clean Streams

Join Wichita Clean Stream's RiverWalk Cleanup Crew on Saturday March 8th and Saturday April 12th, 2025 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM to clean the Arkansas and Little Arkansas River areas. Gloves and supplies provided. Location details will be emailed to volunteers. Wear closed toe shoes and pants. Masks and social distancing required. For questions, email or call 316-978-3022. Register at

Join The Graduate School for a session on fluent writing

Join The Graduate School for a session on fluent writing with best-selling author Paul Silvia, PhD. Silvia will be going over tips and tricks from his best-selling book, How To Write A Lot, on March 4th at noon to 1:00 pm on zoom. More information at

Women’s Basketball Sidewalk Sale

If you’re attending the Shocker women’s basketball game on Tuesday, March 4th, swing by the Shocker Store’s Women’s Basketball Sidewalk Sale at the Koch Arena store and enjoy 30% off select Shocker basketball merchandise. Store opens one hour prior to game time.

Engineering Expo Volunteers Needed

The Society of Women Engineers is looking for volunteers to help with Engineering Expo on Saturday, April 5. This Free Hands-On STEM event is for Kids in kindergarten through 8th grade and requires over 300 volunteers to make it happen. Volunteer opportunities can be for set up on Friday, April 4 or during the event on Saturday. Sign up to volunteer at or contact for questions.

Mark Esposito, Global AI Expert, to Deliver Keynote at the Barton School of Business on Wednesday, April 16

Dr. Mark Esposito has been selected as the keynote speaker for the Spring 2025 James Schwartz Distinguished Speaker Series and J. Robert Young Executive-in-Residence, hosted by the W. Frank Barton School of Business at Wichita State University. Renowned for his expertise at the intersection of technology and economics, Dr. Esposito is an internationally recognized leader in artificial intelligence (AI) and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. His dynamic keynote presentation, titled “The AI Revolution: Charting Our Course Through the Digital Frontier,” will take place on Wednesday, April 16, at 9:30 a.m. in Woolsey Hall at Wichita State University. The event is free and open to the public and will feature a networking session and book signing opportunity for attendees. Please RSVP today at

Glow Laser Tag

Join Glow Laser Tag on Friday, March 7th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Heskett Center Gym. Solo or in teams of 5, sign up for a game of laser tag, limited 2 sign ups per student.

Join the international student union

Visit us at

Volunteer with the Community Service Board at GIV Warehouse.

Join us at the United Way GIV Warehouse on Thursday, March 7 and April 11, 2024 from 2:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. The GIV Program receives company donations and distributes them free to local nonprofits, giving $400,000 to $1 million in items annually through partnerships with Good 360 and national retailers. Volunteers will help sort and organize donations. Register at

Delta Gamma Anchor Splash 2025

Join us for a day at the beach filled with belly flops, synchronized swimming and relay races. March 30th from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm at the Heskett Center Pool. All proceeds and donations benefit Envision and Service for sight. Visit ewsudg on instagram to purchase your ticket today!

Ben Stein to speak at WSU

Wichita State University is hosting a moderated discussion with Ben Stein — renowned economist, lawyer, actor and author — as the 2025 guest for the Craig W. Barton Speaker Series event at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 11 in Miller Concert Hall. Reserve your free seat and learn more at

Human Performance Studies Open House

Human Performance Studies open house will be from 1 to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 17 in the Hesket Center lobby.

Clayton Staples Gallery presents “This Is Captured Paper.”

The Clayton Staples Gallery's first exhibition of the spring semester, "This Is Captured Paper," will be on view from Thursday, February 1st, 2024 to Friday, March 15, 2024. Located in 205 McKnight Art Center, "This Is Captured Paper" is a collection of artworks by Jason Reblando, Assistant Professor of Photography in the Wonsook Kim School of Art at Illinois State University. The Clayton Staples Gallery is open to the public 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Volunteer with the Community Service Board at the Lord’s Diner

Join the Community Service Board serving dinner at the Lord’s Diner on February 12th, 2025 and March 12th, 2025 from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. The Lord’s Diner provides a free meal seven days a week, 365 days a year. Duties may include serving food, busing dishes, refilling drinks, dining hall clean-up, and washing dishes. Please wear closed-toed shoes and pants. Sign up on Shocker Sync at

Shocker Store Softball Pop-Ups

The Shocker Store will be hosting several pop-up shops at Wichita State Softball games this season. Visit the pop-up shops at Wilkins Stadium starting 1-hour prior to game time for the following dates: Thursday, February 27, Wednesday, March 26, Saturday, March 29, Saturday, April 12 and Wednesday, April 30. Gear up with the Shocker Store for another great softball season.

Teacher Education Mock Interview

Teacher Education Mock Interviews will be held on Monday, February 17th at the Marcus Welcome Center. Two sessions are available. Group 1 meets from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., and Group 2 meets from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Please RSVP by Friday, February 14th at Noon. Visit

Pizza and Politics

Political Science Professor Dr. Azpuru will be leading a discussion on US and Latin America Updates. Join us in Lindquist Hall 417 on Thursday, March 27, at 12:30. Pizza and refreshments will be provided. Please email Dr. Middlewood ( for dietary accommodations or any questions.

Shocker Financial Wellness workshop dates for Spring 2025

Join us for a series of valuable financial workshops this spring semester! All sessions run from 11:30 AM to 1:45 PM and are designed to help you build essential financial skills. Start with "Eating on a Budget" on February 4th in RSC 142, followed by "Love & Money" on February 13th at the RSC Table. Learn about "Credit Cards" on March 4th in RSC 142, and get help with "Filing Taxes" on March 25th at the RSC Table. In April, don't miss "Adulting 101" on April 8th in the Woolsey Hall Fidelity Ballroom, and wrap up with "Game of Life" on April 22nd in RSC 142.

Attend four out of the six workshops for a chance to win free in-state fall tuition! You could win a full tuition scholarship (non-renewable) just by participating. Workshops are come-and-go, takes 20-30 minutes.

Savvy Scholar Workshop, Creating a Research Poster

Creating a research poster doesn’t have to be stressful. Join us on Tuesday, March 11, from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Ablah Library (in-person and online) for a workshop that simplifies the process. There is no cost to attend. You’ll learn how to design posters that look professional and communicate your ideas clearly, making it easier to present your work at conferences or competitions with confidence. Learn more at

Discover your Path workshop

Build your future, one brick at a time. Discover Your Path is a hands on workshop for undecided college students. March 7th from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm in RSC 262. Register today at

Shocker Store Garage Sale at WSU Old Town

The Shocker Store is headed to WSU Old Town for a Garage Sale. From 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm Wednesday, March 5, the Shocker Store will be set up in the WSU Old Town lobby with Shocker gear priced 30 to 70% off. Plan to stop by.

Alpha Phi Alpha Informational

The Brothers of the Delta Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha invite you to our informational session on Monday, March 10th at 7:06 pm in RSC 319. This is an opportunity to meet current chapter members, learn about the history of our organization, and learn the requirements for membership. Business professional attire is required. To sign up visit

Money for College

Submit your free application for federal student aid or FAFSA. New streamlined application process, user experience and expanded eligibility for federal student aid. Learn more at

Pee for Pizza

SHS hosts Pee for Pizza on 1st Wednesdays and 3rd Thursdays monthly, noon to 4:00 pm at the Student Wellness Center. Get free STI testing and free pizza. Reservation required through your myShockerHealth portal or (316) 978-4792. Don't use restroom one hour before testing. Co-sponsored by Positive Direction and Shocker Sports Grill and Lanes. Other testing available upon request.

Upcoming Training Opportunities at NIAR

Wichita State University offers several professional development programs this spring. The Introductory Additive Manufacturing Certificate Program will be held on Thursday, February 27th and 28th at the National Center for Aviation Training in Wichita, KS. The cost is $250 per person, with a 90% discount available using promo code IntroFeb90%!. The Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) Concepts and Applications course runs Monday, March 3rd through 6th at the Dimensional Metrology Training Center in Park City, KS, costing $1,195 per person. For those interested in online learning, the Composite Structural Engineering Technology (CSET) courses are available in two modules: CSET-A from March 10th through April 2nd, and CSET-B from April 21st through June 1st, each priced at $900. Additionally, a GD&T Analysis course will be held March 17th through 20th at the Dimensional Metrology Training Center, also priced at $1,195 per person. For more information, visit

Savvy Scholar Workshop – AI and Library Research: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Join us on Tuesday, March 4, from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Ablah Library (in-person and online) for a workshop that’s all about making your life easier. There is no cost to attend. You’ll learn how to use AI to speed up research while spotting its limitations, so you know when to trust it and when to dig deeper. Learn more at

School of Performing Arts proudly presents The Angel of Death

The Angel of Death Thursday, March 6th through 8th at 7:30 p.m. Welsbacher Theatre, 29th and Oliver, Entrance F, Wichita State. University Ticket Prices are $15, general admission WSU students receive 1 Free Ticket with their WSU Student ID thanks to the support of the WSU Student Government for College of Fine Arts performances Box Office: 316-978-3233 or online at

That’s all of the digital signage announcements for Friday, February 28, 2025.